
Friday 22 May 2015

A delicious dinner to end a bad day

While being at work did distract me a little from my anorexic thoughts, it was still a relatively hard day for me. Despite the constant conflict that was going on in my head, I still ate each and every one of my meals, just as I promised myself I would. I am proud of myself for getting through the day today and not giving into my anorexia, no matter how anxious and guilty it made me feel.

When I got home from work I cooked myself a very simple but also very delcious tea. I cooked myself 2 fish cakes (that I bought frozen), mashed potato, corn, peas and carrots.

I havent eaten fish cakes since before I got anorexia but I really enjoyed them tonight. While I never get sick of any of my snacks or other main meals, sometimes I really cant get motivated to cook tea. Sometimes I dont know what I feel like and other times I simply dont feel like cooking. I grew up eating meat and vegetables every single night of the week so I do enjoy eating more interesting foods sometimes but sometimes I think it is better to just try and keep it simple.

After tea I cleaned up and took Tess for a really quick walk in the dark as she had been tied up outside to her kennel all day while I was at work. When I got back from my walk I had some dessert which was chocolate self saucing pudding heated up in the microwave and topped with vanilla icecream. 

It was delicious but I really dont think I will feel like having a hot chocolate before bed, as dessert was so sweet. I may have some fruit instead (of course I will make sure the fruit I have contains approximately the same amount of energy as the hot chocolate would have).

I have the weekend off which is fantastic but I really hope I feel a little better tomorrow then I have today. While I know it is important for me to rest, I think I will have to try and keep myself relatively busy so that I can distract myself from my anorexic thoughts. I will hopefully go and visit my dad as I feel as though we havent spent enough time together lately. I will also see if my sister Amy wants to come and keep me company for a few hours tomorrow. I hope that everyone has had/ is having a good day today and that you have a wonderful weekend planned. :)


  1. <3 you are so amazing hun, I really look up to you, and you should be more than just a little proud of yourself for what you have just done <3 unfortunately for me this is something i struggle with. on my difficult days my motivations just dips and I always end up cheating on the meal plan in some way. xxx

    1. Thanks Emmy. I wish so much I could make you believe you are strong enough to not cheat your meal plan. I replied to you email. Email me back with how things are honestly going. <3 xx

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Anna. I am proud but know that I wouldnt be able to do this without you all. Everyone who reads my blog makes me feel like I am strong enough to do what it takes to recover. <3 Having others believe in me has made it much easier for me to believe in myself. X

  3. You should be so proud of yourself for struggling so much and yet ploughing on through and not cheating on your meal plan. That is such a huge achievement, give yourself a pat on the back and a big gold star for your achievements! Xxx

    1. Thanks annie, having others be proud of me and believe in me has helped me so much to be proud and belive in myself. X

