
Wednesday 27 May 2015

A typical week

Good Morning everyone!

I just realised I havent done a update for a couple of days about what I have actually been up to so I apologize for that. The truth is I havent really been going anything interesting or out of the ordinary, but I have still been really busy. For the last two days I have been working at the bank which is actually in another small seaside town, a 35 minute drive from where I live. I seem to follow the same routines each day I work, as this is the best way to ensure I get everything done I need or want to do.

5:30- have breakfast while watchig an episode of greys anatomy
6:15- spend an hour or so reading blogs or writing Posts for my blog
7:15- get dressed, brush my teeth, do my hair
7:30- take Tess for a walk
7:45- get back home, make my lunch and pack my lunch box
8:00- put on my make up (only tinted moisturizer and mascara )
8:15- do any jobs around the house that need doing (wash up or dry up, hang washing out on line, tidy up, feed Tess)
8:40- eat my morning tea
8:50- leave home and head to work
12:00- stop working for a 30 minute lunch break (if its nice I walk to the park and sit in the sun to eat my lunch)
3:00- stop working and have my afternnon tea
4:45- leave work and start driving home
5:20- take Tess for a quick walk before tea and get anything from the shop I need
5:45- cook tea
6:15- Eat my tea while watching telly (I like watching family feud)
6:45- go for a shower
7:00- wash up and bring Tess inside
7:30- get myself dessert and sit down in front on the telly to relax/blog
8:30- make myself a hot chocolate and do some more blogging if im not too tired
10:00- go to sleep

Today I am working at the IGA in my home town so even though the day is a bit longer, atleast I dont have to travel. Today I start work at 8:30 and work until 5:45 tonight With a 45 minute lunch break at 12:00. Tomorrow I have the day off so it will be really nice to relax for the day.

Fortunately I am still feeling positive and motivated about my recovery and am happy that I am still gaining weight. This morning I weighed myself (Wednesday and Sunday are my weigh days) and I have gained another 300 grams in the last 3 days Which is really good. I would love to be able to continue gaining on what I am currently eating but I realise that I will need to increase my intake again if I stop gaining weight.

I hope that everyone is having a fantastic week. :)


  1. Oh wow so your day starts really early! Can you sleep longer on Saturday and Sunday?

    1. Not really :/ a really big sleep in for me would be 6:00am. Haha. I started eating my breakfast super early each morning for the year or so I was in my half recovered state as this was when I woke up really hungry (i suppose because my body wanted more food ). Now I am actually recovering my body is no longer wants more food but I guess I am just in the habit of getting up early. I love getting up and starting my day bright and early however as otherwise I feel as though a big part of my day has been wasted through sleeping in. It also means that I can space out my meals more comfortabely throughout the day when I eat breakfast early. I hope you are doing well. <3 xx

  2. Wow you are a real early bird! I'm so glad you're still feeling positive, I hope it carries on for you! All the best! X
