
Wednesday 13 May 2015

Day 10: list 5 goal you have for yourself (they may be long term or short term)

1. To not give into my anorexia or listen to anything it tells me

In order to recover, I know that I cant listen to any of my anorexic thoughts. Everytime you listen tonyour anorexia you are making it stronger and yourself weaker. Unfortunatel I cannot choose to stop myself getting these anorexic thoughts but I do have the ability to ignore them. My goal is to do the complete opposite of anything my anorexia tells me to do and I will try to not let my anorexia make me feel awful about myself. Eventually, if I continue to ignore my anorexic voice it will fade away and dissappear all together.

2. To reach a normal bmi (above 18.5)
Reaching a minimally acceptable bmi is a short term goal of mine but not my ultimate weight gain goal. I want my body and mind to be healthy and strong and since I did not have a bmi of 18.5 before I got sick, so I think I will need to continue gaining some weight after this point to ensure my body is able to repair properly.

3. To continue to gain weight until I reach my bodies natural set point
Your body will only be able to work optimally at its natural set point which is the weight I want to reach. I dont want to spend my life dieting or trying to fight for a body that isn't supposed to be mine. I honestly dont know what my bodies natural set point is yet but I will do my best to figure it out. Both of my parents are thin people so I dont think it would be incredibely high but I just want to be healthy and happy.

4. To learn how to eat intuitively
After reaching a bmi of 18.5 my goal is to start trying to eat intuitively. For those who dont know, eating intuitively involves listening to your body and allowing your body to tell you what and how much to eat. This will allow me to stop counting calories and allow me to develop a much healthier ralationship with food. I dont plan on changing over to eating completely intuitively from my meal plan in a single day but to do it really gradually, so that I can slowly teach myself how to trust and listen to my body effectively. If I learn to eat intuitively and am fit and healthy, my body weight should settle around my natural set point.

5. To learn to love my new body
I know that it will be hard for me to accept my new body weight. The truth is, I like being thin (or my anorexia likes it anyway) and at times I know I will feel uncomfortable about my new weight. I am determined however to learn how to cope with these types of feelings without trying to lose weight, so I can accept myself for who I am. I know that the healthier I become mentally and physically, the more easily I will find it to accept my new body.

I think that having goals in recovery is incredibely important and helpful. Feel free to comment some goals you have set yourself and are currently working on below :).

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