
Wednesday 27 May 2015

Day 24: has having a blog helped or hurt your recovery? Why?

Having my own blog has helped me enormously in my recovery for many different reasons. Through writing out my thoughts and experiences on my blog, I have neen able to express all of the things I have had to bottle up for years and I have been able to meet many amazing people through my blog (you know who you are). Since starting my blog I also feel so much more motivated about recovery then I ever have before and have finallystarted to believe in myself. 

Before I started my blog, besides doing a little journaling I found I had no choice but to bottle up everything that was going on in my head. This meant that I was always incredibely anxious and also very emotional And confused. It wasnt until I started writing out all my thoughts that I have actually been able to understand them. I feel as though this deeper understanding has allowed me to accept my illness and also fight it more effectively.

Having my own blog has allowed me to talk to many other people who understand exactely what I am going through. I know that I wouldnt have begun talking to most of these amazing people if it wasnt for my blog and they therefore would not have been able to help me to recover in all of the ways that they have. For the first time since developing anorexia, I no longer feel as though I am trying to fight it alone and I feel incredibely lucky to have such a wonderful group of friends by my side while I recover.

I am so thankful to all of the people who have read and commented on my blog. Having all of these people believing in me has taught me to believe in myself which is something I have never been able to do before. As I have mentioned in many posts in the past, I believe recovery is not possible unless you believe in yourself. You need to believe that you are strong enough to fight your anorexia and win, otherwise you wont be able to do it.  

I feel so much more motivated to recover then I ever have before and I honestly feel as though this is mainly due to my blog. While I do want to recover for myself too, I also want to recover so that I can help all of the people who read my blog, by showing them that recovery is possible. Everytime I am struggling with my anorexic thoughts, one of the things I tell myself to convince myself to do the right thing is that I need to be strong, so that I can set a good example for those who read my blog. Every time I am faced with an opportunity to fight my anorexia I make sure I do exactly what I would tell one of my readers to do in that same position. This is because I do not believe that people should give advice to others that they are not willing or able to follow themselves. 

While many things have contributed to my recovery so far, I feel as though my blog is the glue that is currently holding my recovery together. My blog is the one thing that stops everything falling apart, even when things get really tough. I have not found having a blog has hurt my recovery at all and I would reccommend it to anyone who is trying to recover from anorexia or any other Eating disorder.


  1. Very well written, I agree with everything you say<3 ^_^

    1. Thanks Olivia. :) I knew you would understand <3
