
Friday 29 May 2015

Day 26: What would you say to to someone if they told you 'I give up on recovery. Its too hard.'?

I guess I would tell them something like this;

"I know it seems too hard and I know it seems impossible but I promise you that its not. I felt exactly the same way that you do not that long ago but look at me now, I am making progress every single day and getting closer to recovering and this is all because I never gave up. I'm not going to lie to you, recovery is incredibely hard but it does get easier. No matter how painful recovery seems, know that actually being recovered will be worth all of this pain. 

Try to focus on how wonderful your life will be if you are able to recover and be truly free of your eating disorder. By giving up on your recovery, you are also giving up on ever having a life. Even if your illness doesnt kill you right away, you will not truly be living, you will only be existing. You deserve so much more then to just exist. You deserve to be happy and healthy and to be given the chance to make all of your dreams come true.

Please believe me when I say you are strong enough to do this, all you need to do is believe in yourself."

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