
Monday 18 May 2015

Feeling extremely exhausted

I wish I could say I got everything done today that I had planned on doing but unfortunately this is not the case. At about 8:00am I got a phone call from one of the people I work with asking if I could work for her as her daughter was sick. Even though I was incredibly disappointed to get this call, of course I agreed as I knew it was the right thing to do.

I was already so stressed about everything I had to do today but now I feel even more stressed as I still havent got anything done. I am feeling pretty exhausted from all the work I have been doing lately but luckily I managed to get through the day today. Atleast my boss has said I can have the day off tomorrow instead, so hopefully I can spend some time just relaxing then.

I have an awful skin infection on my face that started from a single spot getting infected. The infection has spread under my skin so my whole forehead is very red and sore and I am currently on antibiotics. This is just another indicator of how much I need a rest day as this usually happens to me when I get really run down as my immune system crashes.

I am already exhausted but I think I will spend an hour or so tidying up the house tonight so all I will need to do tomorrow is vacuum the floor and wash some clothes. Hopefully then I will just be able to relax for the rest of the day. I think a day on the couch watching tv and blogging is exactly what I need.

When I got home from work tonight the people I was buying my car off of called in to deliver the car. I am excited to have a new car and also proud because I am paying for it all by myself with money I have worked really hard for. I plan to take my new car on its first drive to my parents house tomorrow sometime so that I can show my dad. 
Tea tonight: beef ravioli in sundried tomato and parmesan cheese sauce with veggies


  1. Ohhhw! Get well soon, honey! :)

    1. Thank-you so much. I am already feeling much better after having a good night sleep. <3 I hope that you are doing ok? X

  2. Yummy meal! Do you make it from scratch or buy it already made? I really hope you feel better soon too!

    1. This pasta is a shop bought one that I just cooked some vegetables to have with. Sometimes I make these types of things myself but other times I buy them frozen and just heat them up. Sometimes it is just easier to do that anyway when I am only cooking for one person. I also find that it is so much quicker to not have to worry about cooking something from scratch when I get home late from work. <3

  3. I hope you manage to get a jolly good rest, it sounds like you definitely need one and definitely deserve one! I love seeing the photos of meals that you've eaten, it looks so vibrant with all the vegetables on the side! Take lots of care and feel better soon! X
