
Saturday 30 May 2015

Guest Post

As you will be able to see from this guest post, Anna is an incredibely strong and amazing person who I have started talking too since she found my blog a little while ago. Anna and I have had similar experiences of anorexia and are also both at similar stages in our recoveries. We therefore relate very well to one another and have been able to help one another through our recoveries a lot. We both have the same types of dreams for the future and I feel truly fortunate to be recovering alongside such a wonderful person. Anna has started her own blog in the last few days so it would be great if you could check it out. Please click on the following link and show Anna some encouragement and support.

My blog is called 'Ice cream can save your life', because, for me the day I choice to eat ice cream again really did save me from the deep and dark hole of Anorexia. My name is Anna and I’ve been battling with Anorexia since I was 18. I am now 24 and although the battle has been a long and tiring one, I finally believe that I am on my way to full recovery. My experience has been rather intense at times. I’ve battled my way through a uni degree, despite not being always well enough. I’ve spent six weeks in hospital on a nasal-gastic tube and being confined to a wheel-chair. I’ve had to cope with my mum being diagnosed with breast cancer and looking after her during her treatment, cope with my sister moving away to another city and cope with the recent death of my grandpa, all of which have made my recovery journey a rather bumpy ride. But now, here I am fighting every day. Eating a full proper meal plan,   ignoring the destructive thought in my head and moving away from Anorexia once and for all. Like Karly I also live in Tasmania, Australia. I have to thank Karly a thousand times for her inspiring and motivational blog, for her support and help, and unfailing optimism. She has really helped me to feel less alone along the recovery path. My blog is about all things recovery. It is about positivity, motivation and hope. it is about finding the good things in life and about understanding the difficult times. I truly believe that these hard times will makes us stronger in the end. All we have to do is keep fighting <3