
Sunday 24 May 2015

Perfectly Imperfect

I hate it how society makes us think that we need to be different to who we really are, especially in regards to how we look. Every second add on television or in magazines tells us that we need to be thinner, prettier, more toned, fitter etc. We feel as though we need to try and look perfect, even though there really is no such thing as being perfect. 

Society starts to make us feel this way from an extremely young age. I remember playing with barbie dolls and thinking how beautiful they were. Now I can see a barbie doll figure for what it truly is, impossible and completely unrealistic. But at the time, it was painting a picture in my mind of what you had to look like so that you can be beautiful. 

I honestly think they should change barbie dolls so they look real

Thinking back to any movies or tv programs I watched growing up, all of the girls seemed so thin and perfect. They always had perfect skin, perfect hair and perfect figures but now I know that they are no more perfect then anyone else in this world. Everyone in this world is beautiful no matter what they look like. Those stars would have had pimples and bad hair days too, the only difference is that the stars have stylists there to make them look perfect even when they weren't. 

I think it is so sad that we feel as though we need to cover every blemish with makeup before we go out in public. So what if someone can see that we have a pimple or two. This does not mean anything other than that we aren't perfect which is exactly how we are supposed to be, we are all only human afterall. In modern day society everone is so quick to judge others on how they look but this is so wrong. How we look does not say anything about who we are inside, which is what is the most importartant thing anyway.

The following photos I took of myself this morning on the beach. I have no makeup on and my hair is completely natural. I may not look 'perfect' but I am perfectly imperfect. This is me, the real me and the me I like the most :)


  1. I love the last quote, it's so true. Smile! :) X

    1. I loved it when I saw it too Annie. I find simply smiling puts me in such a happy and positive mood. :) x

  2. Love this post Karly, you're wonderful, keep being you :) :)
