
Monday 11 May 2015

Thank god i'm a country girl

While my life hasn't always been easy, I still loved my childhood. I have lived on farms my whole life and the country will always be a huge part of me, no matter where I end up. When you grow up on a farm your family is your everything. You dont have neighbours or friends to hang around with, you only have one another to rely on for company. I would spend hours and hours playing with my brothers and getting to do lots of wonderful things that city kids simply wouldn't be able to experience.

We would spends hours and hours playing hide and seek in the huge hay shed, fishing in the creek and riding our bikes. As we got older we began riding motorbikes as well as driving the ute which was good fun as well. We always had amazing animals and pets like lots of orphan lambs and calves, dogs, joey kangeroos, rabbits, goats, horses, birds, chooks and more. It was impossible to get bored and our childhood was literally just one huge adventure.

When you live on a farm you need to be responsible even as a young child. Something as simple as leaving a gate open could reslult in something terrible and you always need to be aware of all the dangers on a farm. We knew better then to go in the Bulls paddock or to walk through long grass on a hot day incase there were snakes. Even something like walking too close to a mob of sheep with newborn lambs could result in separating lambs from their mothers and the lambs dying.

As kids we loved nothing more then riding on the back of the ute through the bumpy paddocks. Even now Inztill think that nothing beats the feeling of the wind in your face as you look over the beautiful land you love so much.
This is me as a very young girl feeding one of our orphan lambs. Usually we would bottle feed lambs if their mothers had abandoned them.
Me and my brothers playing on dads four wheeler motorbike. We were very close as kids as we relied on one another for company. We obviously werent old enough to drive it ourselves in this picture but dad often took us for trips out on the farm
This is JoJo the baby Pademelon wallaby my brother bought home for me. I spent every minute of everyday with this little guy while I was at my sickest and sometimes I think he is the only thing that kept me going. It broke my heart when he got too big and I had to release him.
This is me with my horse Lucy. She was a gorgeous old horse but sadly she died only about 6 months after I got her.
This is me and Tess at our favourite swimming hole.
This photo was taken after an early morning fishing out in the bay. I am holding a crayfish and a flathead.
Luckily all of the farms I have lived on have been really close to the beach so we have always been able to enjoy being on the beach and the land. 
While I have no idea where I could end up in the world, my heart will always be in the country. I enjoy listening to country music as I can relate to what is behind the songs. Lee Kernaghan is an Australian country music artist who I love listening to as he is able to explain the special bond with the land that country people have better then anyone else I know. The chorus of one of his songs 'The way it is' goes like this;

its the way it is, its the way it goes
when my wheels hit the gravel road it feels like home
its the way of life, its the life i live
and im right where i want to be
Thats the way it is



  1. It looks so beautiful. So free and full of harmony :)

  2. I loved reading this post so much. It sounds so idyllic where you live! Amazing, simply stunning! Xxx

  3. Thank you both. I am finally starting to realize how fortunate I am to have grown up where I have. While not everything about my life has been wonderful, lots of bits have been wonderful and I need to concentrate more on these parts, rather then the negatives. I would love to hear a bit about where you grew up if you wouldnt mind sharing? X

    1. Just like yourself, 'while not everything about my life has been wonderful, lots of bits have been wonderful'. I grew up in the country too, and love the fact that I am a country girl at heart. To cut a long story short, I had to run away from my home there, but I still carry some fond memories, so I will share with you the positives.

      My brother and I were once very close, and like you, made the most of each other's company because there was nobody else around. We built the most incredible dens out of anything and everything. We climbed trees and waded through streams. We would go off riding our mountain bikes through the forest all day, taking a picnic with us. We were up at the crack of dawn and out late at night tending to our horses which was often back breaking work, especially in the thick of winter. We would climb up hills when it snowed, carrying our sledges with us to enjoy mere seconds of exhilarating downhill sledging, the wind biting at our faces. I would drag my brother along, pulling the sledge with him sat on it. In the summer, he would take pride in riding the sit-on lawn mower and mow the grass whilst I painstakingly weeded the flower borders of the garden. We watched the vast sky at night, looking out for bats circling over our heads, as well as higher up, watching planes soar in the sky, cruising amid the stars and planets which dazzled so clearly from lack of light pollution.

      We had each other, so no matter what terrible bad things went on, we weren't alone. These are the positives of where I grew up. Thanks for awakening some nostalgia in me! I love that I've found your blog, it's a real breath of fresh air! Xxx
