
Monday 25 May 2015

What I ate yesterday

peanut butter on toast, Sweet cinnamon oats with 1 diced apple

2 monte carlo biscuits, 1 mandarin and 1 Up and Go

Cheesy Chicken Easy mac pasta, 1 pear and 1 vanilla lerice (creamed rice)

1 marvelous creations icecream bar and 1 cup of grapes

Roast duck with spicy tomato relish and lots of veggies (peas, pumpkin, corn, carrot and brussel sprouts)

Hot sticky date pudding with vanilla icecream

1 honeycomb hot chocolate


  1. I like the idea of sweet cinnamon oats! Do you make it yourself or buy sachets? Keep up the good work :)

    1. I used to make my own but now I just buy sachets. My favourites are brown sugar and cinnamon, creamy vanilla and also caramel. I either put 1 sliced banana on top once its cooked or dice one apple which i cook with the oats so that the apple starts to cook too. :) x

  2. I like seeing the food you eat, it's so motivating! Hope you enjoyed it all! It looks good anyway! X

    1. Im so glad you find it motivating Annie. :) x
      I can honestly say I did enjoy it all. Eating the foods you love most is so importsnt in recovery. I think it helps you to rebuild a healthy relationship with food. <3 hope you are doing ok x

    2. Yes, you've motivated me to start to keep a food diary, I think it will be beneficial! That's fantastic that you enjoyed it all! Do you choose what you want to eat or are you advised by a dietitian or anyone? I would love a healthy relationship with food! Do you feel you have one yet or still working on it? <3 X

    3. Its not healthy yet, but im working on it! :)
      No I have never had any advice from a dietician, it is just what I have come up with myself. X

    4. It looks healthy with all those veggies, and fruit! That's incredible that it's what you've come up with yourself, you're amazing! X
