Saturday, 31 October 2015

Starting a blog

I got the following question from a reader and thought I would write a post in responsee to it, as it was a really great question!
'Just wondering if I could ask a few questions on how you started up your blog please? Were you nervous before hand? Do you have any tips on how to get going?'

The truth is, I was incredibely frightened of starting my own blog at first. Growing up, I have always been very insecure and have worried a lot about what others think of me which I guess is one of the reasons why I found starting a blog so daunting. The thought of people critisizing me or judging me really scared me and it took me a while to realise that I shouldn't let the fear of being judged stand in the way of doing something that could not only help me, but help others too.

The very first post I wrote was on the 18th of January, however I soon realised that I wasn't yet ready to publically share my story just yet, so I didn't log back onto blogger until April the 3rd, almost 3 months later. My first April post was called, To Blog or not to blog and it actually sums up how I was feeling at the time really well;

To blog or not to blog?

After my initial post I had second thoughts about whether blogging was for me or not. Honestly, I was terrified that people who I know would find my blog and criticize or judge me for what I write. I mean, my anorexia recovery has been a very personal and painful battle. But I want to give blogging another go. I feel as though I am making more and more progress everyday and this blog will allow me to connect with other sufferers to give them support and advice. And perhaps others can help me as I progress into my recovery journey too. I have a pretty busy life so I don't think I will have time to write more then 1 post a day. Some days I may not even have time for 1 post but I really do want to give this another chance. Who cares who may or may not read my blog. Apart of recovery for me is to stop worrying about what others think and just focus on what is best for my health and happiness.
Wish me luck!

I think I also just wasn't really ready to fully committ to my recovery until April which is another reason why blogging scared me so much and why I didnt start sooner. I knew that I wanted to be completely honest on my blog, no matter what and I also wanted to set a good example for others trying to recover too. So I didn't want to start my blog until I actually truly wanted recovery and was willing to fight for it! 

So as far as advice for starting your own blog goes, I say go for it! My blog really has helped me to save my life and I honestly don't know where I would be today without it. My blog and my readers are what gave mme the extra strength I needed, to fight my anorexia when I otherwise wouldn't have been strong enough to do it. Like all things I suppose, there are a few negatives associated with blogging too but for me, the positives outweigh any negatives by so much, that I don't really care.

I am glad I didn't start my recovery blog untill I was fully ready to start fighting my anorexia 100%. At times I reallly did only fight my anorexia because I wanted to set a good example for my readers and somehow felt as though I owed it to my readers to fight. I think that if I had started my blog whilst not being truly dedicated to recovery, I probably never would have felt as though I needed to fight my anorexia, for the sake of my blog as well as for myself, as I did. 

I guess what I am trying to get at is that there is a big difference between a recovery blog and anorexia blog. I mean there is nothing wrong with someone writing a blog about their daily battle with anotrexia but unless they are fighting their anoreia, it i not a recovery blog. So to start a recovery blog, you really do need to be ready to fight and recover.

And I guess another thing to remember when you start blogging is that someone you know is bound to stumble accross your blog at some point. Even though the thought of this happening terrified me at first, I no longer worry about it at all. I will never forget the first day I stumbled across a photo of myself on google images when I was trying to find some recovery motivation. I instantly started to panic about who else would see my photos but then I thought, it didn't really matter if someone did find them.

The truth is, I am not ashaimed of my past or my illness. In fact, I am proud of my story and everything I have achieved. I know that anyone who does judge me for what I share on my blog is obviously not a person worth worrying about anyway and it is well worth it if I am able to help many other wonderful people, through sharing my story. 

So to teh beautifu person who asked this question, thans for the great post idea! I realise that this post really is not structured all that well but I hope that you can make sense of my thoughts anyway and that it can be helpful to you in some way! :) Make sure you let me know if you decide to make your own blog, I would love to be your very first follower! X

Make it happen

Friday, 30 October 2015


As I am sitting here writing this post, I feel extremely silly as I currently have a yoghurt face mask on. My skin has broken out a fair bit in the last few days which is a bit dissappointing as my skin had really improved and was looking much clearer there for a while. Even though I get dissaooointed when my skin gets bad, I am not going to let myself worry about it too much either. Afterall, getting pimples sometimes is just a part of life and something we cant control.

I found a few home remedies on the interne for acne but since I didn't have many of the ingredients, I just had to try the yoghurt and a strawberry one. It probably will make no difference what so ever but it desnt really matter, it feels really nice on my ski anyway and  I am sure it wont do any harm. I have just started usuing the nude by nature make up which I really love, so hopefully it is not the cause of my bad skin at the moment as I dont want to have to stop using it.

I honestly think that my bad skin is mainly due to the cold I seem to be developing as my skin usually gets much worse when I am sick and my immune system gets down. I know I just need to keep focusing on what really matters and not let myself worry about a few pimples. I am feeling far to fantastic at the moment to let anything get in the way, especially a few measly pimples. The biggest challenge for me is not picking at or squezing them as I know that this only make them look much worse.

Do you have any home remedies you like to use to treat acne?

Geting a cold

Each morning I have woken up for the past few mornings, my throat has felt a little bit sorer. I usually have a really good immuune system but I guess no one can avoid every cold, especially when you work in two differnt customer service roles like I do. But instead of just accepting I am sick and waiting fir the cold to take its toll, I am going to try my hardest to whip it in tthe bud early. Afterall, I just dont have the time to be sick right now haha. I found the following helpful tips online at the following site which I plan to try and hopefully they stop me from getting too miserable:

How to Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On

Unfortunately, there is no way to completely stop a cold once you already feel it coming on. There are numerous steps you can take in preventing the cold from getting any worse than it needs to be, however, and many of these steps can also reduce the severity and length of your cold symptoms. Keep reading to learn more about proven medical remedies and supposed home remedies you can use in taming a cold once it starts.

Method One of Three:
The Basics

  1. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 01.jpg
    Get plenty of rest. Aim for 8 hours of sleep the first night after the cold starts coming on. A full night's rest improves immune function, making it easier for your body to fight off the invading virus.
    • If you cannot get a full night's sleep, take a 20 to 30 minute nap in the middle of the day to force your body into rest-mode.
    • If possible, skip work or school at the onset of your cold in order to get more rest.[1] Staying home can also prevent the virus from spreading to other people.
  2. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 02.jpg
    Drink more fluids.[2] Fluids prevent dehydration and keep your throat moist, making it a less appealing place for germs to gather. Fluids can also break up congestion and ease symptoms.
    • You should drink at least eight to ten 8-oz (250-ml) glasses of water each day, especially when you notice a cold coming on.
    • Water, caffeine-free teas, sports drinks, pure fruit juices, clear broth, and ginger ale are all acceptable and beneficial for colds.
    • Limit drinks with caffeine or alcohol in them, as these are diuretics that can cause dehydration.
    • Green tea and peppermint tea are both thought to contain properties that can help boost your body's defenses while expelling germs from the body.
  3. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 03.jpg
    Keep the air moist. Dryness can help cold viruses linger and thrive, so filling the air with moisture can cut down on the length of your cold.[3]
    • Run a humidifier in the room you spend most of your time in or take a hot shower to create plenty of steam.
    • Warm moisture can especially helpful.
    • Adding moisture to the air can also ease your symptoms by preventing your nasal passages from feeling dry and sore.

Method two: Medical remedies
  • Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 04.jpg
    Use saline nasal drops and sprays.[4] These over-the-counter remedies relieve congestion and irrigate the nose, flushing out mucus as well as virus particles and bacteria. Manually flushing out germs can promote a speedy recovery.
    • Squeeze the bulb syringe to fill it with saline fluid and place the tip in your nostril about 1/4 to 1/2 inch (6 to 12 mm) deep. Slowly release the bulb to empty the saline into your nose.
    • If you cannot get to the store to buy saline nasal solution, make your own by combining 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml) salt with 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml) baking soda and 8 oz (250 ml) warm water.
    • Make sure to rinse the syringe after each application and let it air dry. Doing so can prevent re-exposure to the same germs.
  • Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 05.jpg
    Try an over-the-counter cold medication.[5] An over-the-counter decongestant dries up the mucus on your nose, which can both ease your symptoms and limit the amount of contact the virus has with your nasal lining.
    • While decongestants often help soothe your symptoms, they may or may not help shorten the length of your cold. By easing your symptoms, however, you improve your odds of staying well-rested, which can improve your body's overall ability to fight off the virus faster.
    • Note that decongestants can increase heart rate. They may also cause anxiety and insomnia in some individuals.
  • Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 06.jpg
    Opt for an antihistamine.[6] If your nose is runny instead of stuffy, an antihistamine may offer you greater relief while doing more to minimize your cold symptoms.
    • Antihistamines are generally considered allergy medicines but they stop sneezing and reduce drainage more effectively than a decongestant does. By drying up the mucus, an antihistamine limits the amount of time the virus comes into contact with the lining of your nose. This may cut down on the length of your cold as a result.
    • As with other treatments, the sooner you start taking the medication, the stronger the effect will be.
    • Note that antihistamines tend to make people drowsy. Those that also contain a decongestant tend to minimize this drowsiness, however.

  • Method three: Natural remedies
    1. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 07.jpg
      Take a walk.[7] Light exercise can actually help boost your immune function. Since your symptoms are mildest at the onset of your cold, take the time to squeeze in some light exercise, like brisk walking, in two to three 10-minute stretches.
      • Yoga and other gentle exercises can be performed instead of walking. These options may even be better if the weather outside is too nasty for a walk.
      • Take precaution if the weather is chilly or rainy. Bundle up in order to keep yourself dry and warm.
      • Taking a walk outside on a sunny day can also grant you the opportunity to absorb some vitamin D from the sun, thereby giving you immune system another added boost.[8]
    2. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 08.jpg
      Bring out the chicken soup.[9] Evidence suggests that chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties, which may reduce nasal swelling and minimize your symptoms. Consuming healthy calories is also essential early on so that your body has enough energy to fight the virus.
      • Make sure to drink the broth, as well. The hot liquid contains a vast amount of the soup's nutrition and will also help keep you hydrated.
    3. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 09.jpg
      Increase your vitamin C intake.[10] While vitamin C has long been promoted as a cold remedy, there is little scientific evidence to suggest its effectiveness. Vitamin C does boost the immune system, however, and some research suggests that it may shorten the duration of symptoms if taken at the beginning of a cold.
      • Vitamin C can be taken in supplement form or it can be consumed naturally through food and drink. Most fruits contain high doses of vitamin C. This is especially true of citrus fruits.
    4. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 10.jpg
      Try zinc supplements.[11] The jury is out when it comes to the benefits of zinc, but there are studies that suggest that a small dose of zinc supplement, when taken every two hours at the start of a cold, can shorten the duration of a cold and reduce the severity of symptoms.
      • At most, zinc may only trim a day off the duration of your cold.
      • Zinc supplements are available in liquid drop form, tablet form, and lozenge form.
      • Possible negative side effects include upset stomach, nausea, abdominal pain, and mouth irritation. People who take intranasal zinc have also been known to permanently lose their sense of smell.
    5. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 11.jpg
      Have a little honey.[12] Honey is thought to boost the immune system. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which can offer further help in speeding up your body's healing response.
      • Take a spoonful of honey when you notice your first symptoms in order to give your immune system a quick jolt.
      • Honey is especially soothing if your first symptoms begin in your throat.
      • You can mix honey into your tea, coffee, or water, as well.
    6. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 12.jpg
      Use lemons. Lemon juice contains high levels of vitamin C, and the acidic nature of the juice can also help soothe your early symptoms and reduce the amount of phlegm.
      • By reducing the amount of phlegm, you may be able to prevent the virus from settling in and causing a long-lasting infection.
      • Squeeze a lemon wedge into your tea or sip on lemonade.
      • You can also enjoy tea that combines lemon and honey for an even stronger benefit.
    7. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 13.jpg
      Consume some ginger. Some researchers believe that ginger promotes healthy sweating, which can help boost your immune system at the start of a cold.[13]
      • Sweat contains dermcidin, a germ-fighting agent that may provide protection against invading microorganisms. The ability to protect your body from these invaders is strongest when you sweat a little, which ginger can help promote.
      • Steep a few slices of fresh ginger in hot water for several minutes to create an herbal tea. You could also consume foods containing ginger.
    8. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 14.jpg
      Reach for the garlic. Garlic contains allicin, a compound thought to boost the immune system and relieve cold symptoms.
      • You can prepare a garlic "tea" by crushing 1 or 2 cloves of garlic and letting the garlic steep in hot water for several minutes.
      • You can also increase your garlic intake by consuming foods prepared with garlic. Add a little garlic to your chicken soup or help yourself to a slice of garlic toast.
    9. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 15.jpg
      Try echinacea or goldenseal.[14] Like many home remedies, there is mixed evidence about whether or not these two herbs have a positive effect on shortening the length of a cold. Studies seem to indicate that echinacea and goldenseal are most effective when used as soon as you feel a cold coming on, however.
      • Take a liquid tincture of echinacea or goldenseal since it seems to be more effective than than capsule form of these herbs.
      • If you are taking any medications, check with your doctor to verify that it is safe to take these herbal supplements. Herbs can negatively interfere with some medications.
    10. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 16.jpg
      Eat yogurt. Acidophilus and other active cultures in yogurt can put healthy bacteria back into your body, thereby strengthening your immune system.
      • Yogurt is especially effective at returning healthy bacteria to your gastrointestinal tract, where much of your immune function actually occurs.
    11. Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On Step 17.jpg
      Bring a little spice into your life. Have a bowl of chili or add a dash of hot sauce to your next meal. Spicy foods temporarily open the sinus passages, which can relieve congestion and keep the mucus flowing.
      • Note that this is most effective when your early symptoms start in your nose rather than your throat. By keeping your sinus passages as clear as possible, you can help prevent infection from setting in and encourage the expulsion of the cold virus.