Wednesday, 26 August 2015

A few recent meals

Beef Caneolli with cheesy vegetables (caulliflower, broccolli and pumpkin)

Breakfast: 2 crumpets with crunchy hazlenut spread and a bowl of Cheerios with milk

Morning Tea: 1 orange, 2 'hundreds and thousands' biscuits and 1 nice and natural bar

Lunch: 4 Crunskits with cheese, 1 apple and 1 blueberry full fat greek yoghurt

Tea: 1 bowl of creamy cicken soup with three slices of fresh buttered bread


  1. Replies
    1. How is your eating going gorgeous Have you managed to make anymore progress? <3 xx

    2. I just ate a sandwich for my lunch. This is two massive achievements in one. 1 because I never eat lunch. 2 I haven't eaten a sandwich for years and years, (like 8 years or something!) So I'm feeling quite strangely pleased at the moment! Couldn't wait to tell you the news! Xx
