Wednesday, 19 August 2015

The aftermath of my accident

I was supposed to be working today at the supermarket but didn't know whether I would or not until this morning. Thankfully I didn't actually have trouble sleeping last night like I thought I probably would. Instead I fell sleep as soon as I went to bed and slept right through the night until I woke this morning at about 5:15. 

When I got up, I was also surprised as I wasn't really sore at all. Besides the bruise on my right shoulder from where it hit my door and also the graze on my chin that was made by the seatbelt when I rolled, I practically feel fine. So I decided to get up and get ready to go to work.

Everyone told me that I should have had the day off and just rested however I am happy that I decided to go to work. I would much rather stay busy and just keep moving forward then sit at home by myself and worry about what happened. I know that worrying wont change the past and it will just make me unhappy and anxious.

Something I didn't really enjoy was people coming into the shop all day and asking me if I was ok and asking me what happened. As I was explaining what happened over and over again, it has really started to sink in about just how lucky I am to be alive. I guess this just goes to show that I am a survivor, in more ways then one and that it wasn't my time to go. 

I expect driving again is something that I may find difficult and it will most likely cause me to feel anxious but I know that it is something that I just need to overcome. Afterall, I live 50 kilometers from where I work so I have no choice but to start driving again. I am supposed to be driving to work on Friday which i am feeling a little axious about as I will have to drive straight past the place I hd the accident but I know I will be ok as long as I am careful and allow plenty of extra time for me to get there.