Sunday, 23 August 2015

I love my life

For the first time for as long as I can remember, I feel completely happy and thankful for the life that I have. I love my family, I love where I live and I love my job. I simply love my life. My life still isn't perfect of course, but I think I have finally given up on the unrealistic expectation of having a perfect life. I know that there is no such thing as a perfect life and I have realised that you dont need to have a perfect life to be happy anyway.

For so long I have been unhappy, even before I developed anorexia. I guess that is a part of the reason why I developed anorexia in the first place. I was just so unhappy with my life and I felt as though the only way I would ever become happy would be if I managed to change my life. Unfortunately I chose the wrong things to change however as losing a lot of uneccessary weight definitely did not make me any happier, it just made my life more awful.

When I was sick, I was quite angry with everyone and everything in my life but now I am just incredibely thankful for everything. I love how close everyone in our family is and I am so thankful that I get to see them so often. I am so glad that I live in such a beautiful place and that I have my gorgeous dog to keep me company, even when no other people are around. I love living alone in my little unit and being independent but I also love the fact that I know my family will always be here for me, if I ever need them.

Now that I have made so much progress in my recovery, I am also much happier with my life. I love being able to eat yummy foods without feeling so guilty and I also love the fact that I am now able to accept myself at a healthy weight most of the time. Even though it has been a long journey, I am glad that I now truly undertand what is important in life and I think I also have a better understanding now about how to live a healthy life and take care of myself.

Even though I feel as though I have been to hell and back with my eating disorder, I know that it has also shaped me as a person in some positive ways which I am thankful for. I love the fact that I have made such amazing friendships through my blogging. I have also found that through trying to help other people to recover,  haave started to like myself as a person more too. Even though it is hard for me to say this as I feel as though I am programmed to believe that saying anything good about yourself is terrible, I really do like the person who I now am.


  1. This makes me so incredibly happy for you :) xoxo

  2. Thankn you so much gorgeous. The only thing that could make me happier would be to see you and my others readers start fully living and loving their lives too <3 xx

  3. I'm sure we'll get there with you as our amazing role model! Xx
