Wednesday 22 July 2015

day 15: where you will be in 5 years

Of course there is no way of knowing exactly where I will be in 5 years time but I will share with you where I would like to be. I think that I will most likely still be living in Swansea, not necessarily in the same unit I am currently in but wherever I am I will have Tess, my dog with me. I hope that in 5 years time I will have a boyfriend and some new friends too.

I will still be working at the bank and will have completed my traineeship. I really hope that I have a good relationship with all of my family members, including my mum. My younger sisyter will be 17 then and I will be there for her no matter what. I want her to always feel as though she has someone there for her so that she never suffers in silence ythe way I did for so long

Of course, I hope I will be completely recovered from anorexia and I will accept myself for who Iam truly supposed to be (insode and out). I hope that I will be fit and healthy, all while having a healthy relationship with exercise and food. Hopefully I will be able to eat completely intuitively and wwill have no or desire to count calories.

In 5 years time, I will no longer being someone suffering from anorexia, nor will I be someone recovering from anorexia. In five years time I will be able to say that I HAD anorexia and that I RECOERED. I hope to be helping others who suffer from eating disorders in some way and making all those who have lost hope realise that recovering is possible and that there is life after an eating disorder.

If some one had asked me 12 months ago where I would be in 5 years, I probably wold have just saif alive. I dd not feel as though there was any real poiint in planning my life as I wasn't even convinced that I would ever get past my anorexia. Now I know that I can do it and I am so excited to see what life has in store for me, once I make a full recovery.


  1. You have an amazing future ahead of you Karly, I just know it because of how amazing you are. I know you are going to be completely recovered by 5 years time because you are so well on the way to being there now! And you are going to help so many people with an eating disorder having gone through it yourself because you are so open and honest on your blog. You'll get there Karly! Xoxo

    1. Thanks you so much Annie. It mean so much that you believe in me. i want you to know that I believe in you too, you just need to truly want t get better and you will get there in the end <3 xx
