Thursday, 23 July 2015

Day 16: Your thoughts on education

This seems like a really random post topic but I will answer it anyway, as I wouldn't feel as though I was properly completing the challenge if I missed any of the days posts.  Firstly, I have been to both public schools as well as a private school and I would never say that either one is any better then the other. 

Depending upon who you are and what your school is like, I think that everyone has the ability to reach ther goals if they truly want to, no matter what type of school they go to. In sociology, we learnt that children who go to private schools are more likely to go to university however this may have more to do with the careers most of their parents have.

For example private school children are more likely to be from wealthier families and their parents most likley would have attended university and have successfull careers. they would then be more likely to encourage their children to go to university and further their educations.

Alternatively, the parents of public school students may not have successful careers themselves  (Some will but not as many as in private schools) and therefore will not value education as much and may not encourage their children to attend university as strongly.

I get really upset when I think that not everyone has the same opportunities when it comes to education as I believe that everyone has the right to fullfil their dreams, no matter who they are, where they live or how much money the have. In Australia, the government tries to make the education system as fair as possible which I think is truly wonderful.

I dont really know what else to ay about education. I think that since being sick my views on education have really changed. I used to think that my education was all that mattered but now I realise that this is not true. I used to think that I could only have a sucessful or worth while career if I went to university and got a fancy degree but I no longer believe this.

To me, having a successful life has nothing to do with how educated I am, but it instead is to do with my hapiness. I am 100 times happier now that I am not at university and I therefore think that choosing to stop studying was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

I am not saying that you should not further your education if it healthy for you to do so as you deserve to make all of your dreams come true but you need to make sure you are happy and healthy while doing that. so overall, I believe that education is incredibely important but it is not the most important thing in life, your hapiness and health should come first!

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