Wednesday, 15 July 2015

If you tell yourself something often enough, you start to believe it

I honestly believe that if you start telling yourself something often enough, even if you do not truly believe what you are saying, that you will eventually start to believe it. This has been the case with me anyway. When I first started my blog, I would sometimes post things that I myself did not necessarily believe. For example I did not love my body at all and did not think for a moment that I would ever be able to accept my body at a healthy weight.

Despite this I still stresssed the importace of reaching and accepting a healthy and natural weight on my blog as I knew that it was the right thing to do and eventually, I actually started to believe that it was possible for me to do that. In fact, I believe that I am already achieving this as I am more accepting of my body now then I ever have been in my life and honestly do want to stay at a healthy weight now.

Positive self talk has helped me so much to achieve this and I highly reccommend that you try it if you are trying to recover. It may seen silly, as you basically have to talk to yourself but it has worked wonders for me. For example in the earier stages of recovery, if my anorexia said that I looked fatter or that I needed to lose weight, I would always think to myself something like 'No this is just my anorexia lying to me. I am not fat, in fact I need to gain weight.'

At the time, this was not the way I was actualy feeling. It was just the way I knew I should be feeling. Now however these types of thoughts really do come naturally to me as they are my true thoughts (what I actually believe). Through sharing the ways that we should feel about our bodies and ourselves so often on my blog and also using this type of positive self talk, I really have started to accept my body for the first time in my life.

I no longer just say that we 'should' appreciate our bodies for everything they do for us and that we should give them the energy they need. I actually believe this with all my heart. I also believe tht our appearance and weight do not define us and that there are many things that are so much more important. If you want to start honesty believign these types of things too, just tell them to yourself over and over agian and hopefully they will eventully become your real and natural thoughts.

Good luck! I hope that it works for you as much as it has worked for me!


  1. This was a beautiful post to read! Xx

    1. Thanks gorgeous. Please try doing this, it really does work <3 xx
