Wednesday 1 July 2015

How do I do it?

One of the lovely girls who read my blog asked me a question on one of my posts this morning which was "how do you do it" in regards to sticking to my meal plan so well. This is how I replied;

Luckily I am a really determined person so once I set my mind to something, I try and do it no matter how painful it may be. I honestly dont see following my meal plan as a choice. I never think 'should I eat my snack or not?' I just know that when it is snack time, I have to eat what is specified on my meal plan whether I feel like it or not. I think of it exactly the same as a diabetic giving themselves insulin shots. Do they enjoy giving themselves shots? I highly doubt it but they do it anyway because they now that they have no choice. If they dont give themselves the shots they could die. Just like us with eating.

When I thought about this question a little deeper however, I realised that the actual reason I am able to fight so hard for recovery now, when I was unable to before, is because now I believe in myself. Now I know I am capable of following my meal plan so it is easier to find the strength to do it. Before I started to believe in myself, my anorexia could easily convince me to restrict and lose weight. Fighting my anorexia just seemed too hard and I didn't think I was strong enough to do it. Now I know I am strong enough to do it, which is why I am able to push myself to successfully do it every single day.

If you believe in yourself you too can fight your anorexia with as much determination as I do. You need to believe that you are strong enough to beat your anorexia as otherwise your anorexia will win every time. I know that it can be hard to truly start believing in yourself but you can do it, just like I did. The way I started believeing in myself was through fighting my anorexia and provinng to myself that I could do it. Then every time I had to fight my anorexia I knew that I was capable of doing it, as I had already done it before.

I also want to say how much of a difference it has made that my readers believe in me. As through you all believing in me, this has helped me to start believing in myself. So the best advice I think I can give you in your recovery journey is to start believing in yourself. As if you believe in yourself, you really can make anything possible. I believe in each and every one of you and know that you can recover. All you need to do is start believing in yourselves and you will be able to fight your anorexia 100%.


  1. Thank you so much for writing this post. It was enlightening. And I will always believe in you because you are so super strong and amazing! Thank you for your belief too, it really helps! Xx

    1. Thanks Annie! <3 I dont know what I would do without you. Xx

  2. <3 simply amazing hun you are such an inspiration love reading your posts every day and it makes me so happy and proud to see how far you have come from when i first got to know you all those months ago <3 keep it up hun you beautiful star all my love <3 xxx

    1. Thanks so much Emmy. Our friendship means a lot to me and I feel as though my recovery cannot ever be truly complete without you recovering too. We are in this together Emmy, I know we can do it <3 xx

    2. <3 aww hun youa re too sweet reading that brought a tear to my eye <3 love you loads hun hope you had a great day <3 xxx
