Friday, 9 December 2016

Fully recovered

"I have fully recovered from Anorexia"

If I am completely honest, I never really knew if I would ever be able to honestly say these 6 words but today, that is exactly what I am doing! I have recovered from my eating disorder and I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR DOING  IT! Even though it was the most terrifying and difficult thing I have ever had to do, I stuck at it anyway and refused to give up. It is just over 4 years since I was first diagnosed and even though those 4 years were painful, they were so worth it! As now I get to live the rest of my life the way I deserve to live it; happily, healthily and to the fullest

There isnt a single thing that I ever miss about my life when I was anorexic. Not how I looked and definetely not how I felt. I remember feeling as though I would never be able to accept my body at a healthy weight but I love my body now! It is healthy and strong and I love how happy and healthy I feel with my body the way it is! So please, if you are too frightened to start gaining weight as you dont think you will like your body when you recover, just do it anyway! I promise your mind will recover as your body does and you WILL be able to love yourself and your body at a bigger weight.

When I was sick, I liked how I looked and didnt want to change. Now however I can see how terrible I looked back then wouldnt go back to that for anything! Like me, you can recover too. You just have to believe it is possible and believe you can do it! Stop allowing your ED to consume your life, take control of it and live the life you deserve to live!


  1. Congratulations, my dear!! :) That is a huge achievement to be able to say that. You sound like you're in a really good place with your mindset. Well done! :)


    1. Thanks so much Bella. It feels so good. I am planning to write another post about why I now consider myself to be recovered and go intodetail about my present mindset. Hope your doing ok gorgeous xxx

  2. There are no words to say how SUPER PROUD I am of you. Your courage, dedication, determination, strength and bravery shine through. Your transformation is miraculous and it's all down to you. You're an inspiration. Sending you loads of love xoxo

    1. Oh Annie, that really does mean so much, thank you lovely! Cant wait for it to be you writing this same thpe of post, dwhen you recover too.Remember I am always here for you Annie xxx

  3. You are such an inspiration!! I'm so happy for you xx
    How many calories did you eat while recovering, if you don't mind sharing?

    1. Of course I dont mind. I sort of lost count of my exact intake amount but I know it exceeded 3200 calories when it was at its highest :) heres a past post showing my average intake whilst i was gaining;

      I managed to gain about 500g per week eating this amount :)


  4. Of course I dont mind. I sort of lost count of my exact intake amount but I know it exceeded 3200 calories when it was at its highest :) heres a past post showing my average intake whilst i was gaining;

    I managed to gain about 500g per week eating this amount :)
