Sunday 22 May 2016

Feeling unwell

Even though I woke up feeling fine this morning, throughout the day my energy levels are rapidly depleting and I just dont feel very well at all. I am feeling tired and drained, even though I havent been very busy and I feel nauseous too.

I have been getting hot and cold flushes also, which suggests I probably have a touch of a stomach bug or some other virus. Fingers crossed it will pass quickly and I will be back to my usual energetic and bubbly self before I know it.

I feel terrible as I know that I am not very good company for my poor boyfriend but for the the time being I just need to look after myself. Which means having a rest day and letting my body recover from whatever I have. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks gorgeous, I'm feeling better today! I hope your doing well <3 xxx

  2. Hope you feel better soon. Have you had a flu shot yet? It mightn't be a bad idea if you're feeling ill, as flu season is starting, and even if you don't usually get one, it may be worth asking your doctor about as your immune system might still be recovering along with your mind & body.


    1. Thanks so much Bella. Your right, that is a really good idea! I know my body is still super sensitive and getting the flu would really knock me around im sure. So getting a fly shot is probably the safest bet to make sure I stay happy and healthy this winter! I hope your doing wel gorgeous <3 xxx
