Friday, 13 May 2016

Why I recommend Blogging

To say that blogging has changed my life may seem like an exaggeration, however I believe this to be 100% true. I honestly dont think I would have been strong enough to recover, if it wasn't for Blogging. Firstly, it was only through reading other peoples recovery blogs that I realised recovery from Anorexia was actually possible.

Before this time I really did believe I would be sick for the rest of my life and that recovery was impossible. It seemed as though no one could help me and changing my ways seemed far to painful. So I suppose throigh reading other people's blogs, I found hope that I would someday recover, which is perhaps the first stage of recovery.

As I could see others making progress and getting better first hand, I started thinking, 'well if they can do it, I can too.' And since I was totally fed up with living the way I was (although I really wouldn't call it living, more like barely existing), I finally made the brave decidion to try and change.

As I started to make changes, I was overwhelmed by just how painful it was and felt completely alone. No one else could even begin to understand what I was going through so I took great comfort in reading other peoples blogs. I could relate to what these like minded people were saying and this stopped me feeling quite as alone and like such an outsider.

While I feel as though reading other peoples recovery blogs really did get me in the right frame of mind to want recovery and change, actually making these changes was a different story. I made a little progress, very slowly, but did not make any great progress until I started writing my own blog.

Once I started my own blog, I felt as though I didn't only need to recover for myself, but also for those people who were fighting anorexia themselves and reading my blog. I knew I could not fool my readers into believing I was in recovery, like I had been doing to myself for years, unless I truly was. I knew that whilst blogging I needed to take action and start actively recovering. So that is exactly what I did.

I still had moments of desparation when I felt as though everything was just far too hard, but then I remembered all of the people who believed in me and this gave me the extra motivation and strength I needed to fight my anorexia fully. I knew that if I just gave into my anorexia that I would not be showing my readers that recovery is possible and that is the message I wanted to portray the most.

Of course, I also dont know that I would have been able to recover if it wasnt for the encouragement and support that I recieved from my readers. Just seeing my blog views meant a lot to me but actually talking to others just like me helped me so much. I developed many special friendships and really cant thank those people who helped me through my recovery enough.

So If your trying to recover, I highly recommend reading other peoples recovery blogs as it can be extremely helpful. Also, reaching out to other people who understand what you are going through can be incredibely helpful too. Even though starting your own blog is a big step, I have never regretted starting my own blog and like me, this could be the key to your recovery. So if you think it could help you, please give it a go!


  1. You're a wonderful blogger! Xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Annie. You are one of the bloggers who inspired me to start in the first place, so thankyou xx

  2. Blogging has definitely changed my life for the better too. Before blogs, all I really read regarding ED stories were books that were more triggering than inspiring. Blogger has a much wider, much more realistic spread of experiences.
    I would also have no social life were it not for blogging. I never see, and rarely talk to, local friends anymore, and hadn't for a couple of years before I mustered up the courage to start blogging. Hopefully one day I'll be jet-setting around the world meeting all my wonderful online buddies!


    1. I can really relate to how helpful blogging can be Bella! Thanks for always being there and let me know if you are ever in Tassie. I would love to meet you in person 😊 xx

  3. Hey Karly, I have been reading your blog for a while despite only just creating my own. I just wanted to tell you that I have really benefited from reading your posts despite only being in the early stages of recovery myself. I also noticed that you live in Tasmania.. I live in Hobart! Anyway thankyou for being such an inspiration!

    1. Oh wow Samantha. I am so glad you have started your own blog and I hope you find it just as helpful as I did. Goodluck and keep fighting xx
