Monday 26 October 2015

How guys can affect our eating disorders

I feel as though a very important point to make is that we should not ever let guys affect how we feel about ourselves. The year that I first started to try to lose weight was the year that I really liked a boy but things didn't work out between us. Looking back now, I know that the reason things didn't work out between us had nothing at all to do with my weight or how I looked but at the time, I thought that losing weight may somehow solve the problem and make the boy like me.

I haven't really mentioned anything on my blog about this yet but I am currently chatting a lot to a guy ALOT who I really like and I know he really likes me too. We are both really open about how we feel about one another but even still, because he currently is seeing someone else we cant be together. This time around however I have not made he mistake of blaming the way I look or my body for things not working out between us.

I know that this has nothing at all to do with the reason why things have not worked out between me and this particular guy and I know that losing weight will not solve any problem. I adamently believe that we should never try to change our bodies or the way we look for any guy. In my opinion if a guy doesn't like us exactly the way we are, then they dont deserve to have us in their lives at all. Never again will I try to change how I look for any guy and as long as I am happy with how I look, that is all that matters! 

I felt as though looing weight would make me more popular and liked by boys but this was definetely not the case at all. I really hope that what i m about to say does not make me soound arrogant because I ddot mean to ssound that way at all, but I can honestly say that boys have shown a lot more interest in me again since I have become healthy. I can now see that there is nothing attractive about being underweight at all and that boys will like you a lot more if you are a healthy weight :) 

I know that this post is a bit random but it is just something I felt was worth mentioning. :)

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