Thursday 29 October 2015

My day

Today has been an incredibely busy but also an incredibly good day :) I got up nice and early like usual and made myself a yummy breakfast of two slices of toast topped with a mashed banana as well as a bowl of cheerios with milk. Then I took Tess for a walk along the beach which was nice. After I got back and organised I started the trip to Hobart. I actually dont mind driving so much, especially when I have some good music to listen too.

On my way to Hobart, I stopped to watch some of my best friend Jemmas inter school athletics carnival. I was very proud of her as she came first in both of the events I saw and did extremely well. I then continued on my way to eastlands shopping centre where I planned to do my shopping. I have never been brave enough to travel all the way to eastlands before by myself as driving in places I am not very familiar with scares the hell out of me but today I was feeling ok about doing it. I got there with no worries at all and as I was really hungry the first thing I did was go to find some lunch. 

This is something that would have been impossible for me once, or would have atleast required hours of thought and preparation but today I didnt know wat I was going to have until I was being asked what I would like. I ordered exactly what I felt like, a bowel of hot chips with Sauce and I am so glad to say that I really enjoyed them. Even though I had no idea how many calories it contained and it cerinly wasn't a 'healthy' lunch option, I honestly didn't care which just goes to show how far I really have come in my recovery!  

I bought a few things that I really needed as well as some things that I didnt really need haha, like the sports clothes you can see below. After I finished clothes shopping, my stomach was starting to grumble a little so I went and got a chocoolate thick shake from wendy's which was also delicious! Today I feel as though I had an extremely successfuul dhopping day as I not only bought lots of nice things, but I also just enjoyed myself and felt like a normal girl. I didnt spend the day worrying about food or my weight or anything like that and it really was the most amazing feeling! :)

When I got home at about 6 o'clock, Tess was waiting eagerly for me. So after putting away my groceriees I made myself tea (which was beef lasagna and salad) and then took Tess for a run. I haven't gone for a run for a while but because it was late and I still had so much to do, I didnt wantto spend too much time walking Tess so I thought it would be a bit quicker to run with her. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed running and think I will do it again for sure! When I finally did get home, the tiredness of my huge day finally hit me so I just sat on the couch and ate some more food before going for a shower. 

It is currently 10:10 pm so I really should get to bed as I have a full day of work again tomorrow.. Goodnight everyone!   

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