Wednesday 17 June 2015

Do I believe in fate?

What inspired me to write this post today is a dream I had last night. I dreamt that I was back at my old high school and had to take part in a huge debate about whether or not there was such a thing as fate. The dream ended up turning into a bit of a nightmare really, as when it was my turn to talk in front of the huge audience, I started to have a panic attack and had no idea what to say. I was happy when I woke up and realised it had all been a dream but even after waking I continued to think about the question of fate.

After reading the following definition online, I decided that I definetely do not believe in fate. 'The development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a natural super power.' I believe that anyone has the power to make almost anything happen in their lives, they just need to work for it and believe it is possible. If there was such a thing as fate and if everything was predetermined, there would be no point in trying to do anything at all.

For instance if I believed in fate, I would believe that my destiny had already been decided. And that I was either going to recover from Anorexia or I wasn't and that there was nothing I could do to change it. So if there was nothing I could do change my fate, what would be the point in even trying to recover? I know tthat it is impossible to recover from Anorexia while just sitting around and hoping that it happens. You need to go out and work for it and MAKE it happen. 

I think that the worst thing people can do is to believe in fate as then they do not feel as though they need to work at anything. If someone doesn't study for a test and then fails it, they should not try and blame failing the test on fate. The reason they failed the test is because they did not study and put in the effort required to pass. The same thing goes with preparing for a job interview, if the applicant believes that they do not need to try their hardest, as whether or not they get the job has already been decided by fate, I almost guaruntee they will not get the job. If they had put more effort into their interview however, their chances would have been much better.

When unfortunate and unforseen events happen, I do no think that it was always going to happen due to fate. I don't think there were any supernatural forces pulling a person into that partiular unfortunate destiny, but that it just happened because these types of things happen sometimes. We cant always stop these types of things happening but I do not think they are predetermined either. I do not believe that I am still alive today because it was not my fate to die of anorexia. I believe that I am still alive today because I decided that I truly wanted to recover and I am willing to do everything I need to do in order to get better. 

While some people believe in fate, I will always choose not to as I believe that we hold most of the power to make our lives exactely what we want them to be. There may be some limitations or unfortunate and unforseen things that stand in our way sometimes, but this does not mean we should instantly accept them as part of our destiny. I dont think that anything in my future is predetermined and this is why I will always try my hardest and do my best. I truly believe that good things happen to people who work hard for them or even by luck, but certainly not due to fate.    

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