Monday 15 June 2015

My doctors appointment

My doctors appointment went really well! My doctor was delighted when she weighed me and saw that I have gained so much weight. My GP hasnt been able to help me a lot in my actual anorexia recovery but she has always tried to keep a close check on me to make sure I was medically stable by weighing me, doing blood tests and helping me to treat my skin. She has given me an acne ointment that I have found really helpful in the past as well as two types of antibiotics. One to treat my current infection and another preventative antibiotic that I can take to try and prevent my infections from happening in the first place. I also got a doctors certificate so that I was allowed the day off work.

My doctor made the comment that I was only 1 kilogram off off being x kilograms, which is the weight she initially said that I needed to reach but I didnt tell her that I am planning to gain weight beyond that weight. It is very hard for me to continue gaining weight, especially since my doctor has basically said I dont need to. My anorexia hates the fact that I am choosing to gain more weight 'unneccesarily' but I know that it is the right thing to do.  Deep down I know that my natural set point is more than the weight my doctor has told me so I dont want to stop before I feel as though I am properly weight restored. I want to learn to love my body the way it is naturally supposed to be, so that I can be truly happy and healthy.

As usual I was in chatting to my doctor for 45 minutes instead of the 15 minutes I was supposed to be. She knows all about my mum so I talked to her for a long time about that which I found really helpful. Although I appreciate her kindness I am sure that the people in the waiting room were not impressed at all for having to wait so long. I went to the pharmacy on the way home to pick up all of my prescriptions before coming home to make myself some lunch. For lunch I had a small tin of cheesy spaghetti on buttered toast, an apple and a mini custard tart which was a nice change. I think mum is calling in this afternoon to visit me and see how I am going.
I hope everyone is having a good day! :)


  1. Yey Karly! I'm so happy for you, and also so pleased and encouraged to hear that you are fighting to reach your set point! I feel as though we a both on the same path wanting to do this, and I'm so happy that you have encouraged me to do this also! You are my inspiration for doing this, THANK YOU and keep going you wonderful girl! Love Laura xxxx

    1. I am so, so glad that you feel this way Laura. I am extremely proud of you for how far you have come since the first day you emailed me asking for advice. One day I know that we will both be fully recovered and incredibely happy. This is when it will all be worth it!<3 xx

  2. Your strength and positivity never fails to make me smile and feel so proud of you! Xxx
