Sunday 7 June 2015

Time to challenge myself

I am feeling relatively positive today, even after weighing myself this morning and seeing that I have gained another 300g over the last 4 days. Since I am feeling good and have the day off, I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to set myself a challenge.
While it is not uncommon for me to substitute an item of food in my meal plan for other foods that contain the same amount of energy, generally I eat approximately the same foods each day. As a challenge for myself, today I have decided to eat something different for each meal then I usually would do.

While I think meal plans are wonderful and helpful, I think it is important to be able to eat other foods sometimes too. I have heard of people becoming 'addicted' to their meal plans which obviously is not a healthy realationship to have with food either.

So I just want set this challenge for myself today to make sure that I can eat differently to my meal plan without too much anxiety, afterall I dont want to be following a meal plan for the rest of my life. I will post my food diary tonight, to show everyone how I have gone.
On a side note, I would only reccommend substituting foods on your meal plan if you are already really good at following your current meal plan. Dont let substituting foods become an opportunity for you to restrict or give you any extra anxiety. To substitute foods correctly you really need to be in a nice and positive recovery mindset. 

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