Sunday 14 June 2015

Need to normalise my body clock

You know your body clock is way out of sync when you are waking at 11:50 pm and feeling as though you are ready to start another day And the last one has not even ended yet. I have suffered from insomnia from time to time throughout my illness but my sleeping patterns just seem to be getting worse and worse.

I just feel so exhausted each night that I cant keeep my eyes open after 8:00-8:30, but then I am waking up incredibely early after getting between 6 and 8 hours sleep, wide awake. I know that if Istayed up later of a night, I would find it a lot easier to sleep later each morning but I just feel so exhausted each night, that I could literally fall asleep while standing up. No matter what I watch on TV, I fall asleep and I even fall asleep while blogging.

I suppose it is to be expected that I am so tired each night. Afterall my body is working very hard to repair and recover. Also the psychological stress od recovery is very tiring as well however I do feel as though putting my body clock back in sync would help with this tiredness a lot. If I got up at 6 each morning instead of 4, I would probably be able to stay awake until 10:000-10:30 instead of falling asleep at 8:00-8:30.

Since I have the day off today, I think I will try and have a decent nap half way through the day so that I feel energized enough to stay up a little later tonight. Hopefully If I stay up to 10:00pm or something like that, I will be able to sleep later the following morning. If I do wake up early still, I will make myself stay in bed and NOT turn on my tablet or phone, which is something I am often guilty of doing (hence why it is 12:52am, I have been asleep for 3 hours already tonight but now I am writing a blog post).    

Does anybody have any tips for me about getting a normal sleeping routine in place. I find that my life is so busy with work, my recovery and everything else that I just cant afford to be so tired and exhhausted all the time. Ok, I am off to bed to try and get some more sleep. Goodnight! xx

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