Sunday 27 September 2015

My honest opinion on 'gaining weight slowly'

I have heard so many people who are trying to recover from anorexia say that they want to gain weight, but they want to do it really slowly and are terrified off gaining weight too fast. I can completely see where everyone is coming from who says this as I too had these exact same feelings and thoughts. For years I had this type of attitude and therefore did not eat proper recovery amounts and made almost no recovery progress at all.

I know that if you are currently experiencing these thoughts, this is probbably the last thing you want to hear but I feel as though I need to be really honest with you. You need to understand that while you are so terrified of gaining weight 'too fast' you are still just being controlled by your anorexic thoughts. I honestly cant reccommend anything other then eating proper recovery amounts as otherwise you will not be providing yourself with enough energy to properly repair.

In my experience, I really dont think it is possible to 'gain weight slowly' and make a full recovery. When Iwas trying to 'recover' at first whilst eating lower amounts, I only gained a kilogram or two in 18 months. Now I look at that time as wasted years of my life as duriin that time my life still revolved completely around my anorexia. The only regret Ihave from myy recovery is that I didn't do it sooner so that Icould have been enjoying my liffe like I currently am, all those years ago.

Try to think about it this way. If you are serious about recovery, you would know that eventually you will have to be a healthy weight. So why spend years getting to a healthy weight when you could do it in a few months. I actually found it so much easier gaining weight fast as it seemed to happen before I really even realised that it was happening. It was like one day I was extremely skinny and the next I was healthy. And because I was gaining as much as 100g per day, the shock of getting on the scale and seeing I had gained weight soon dimished.

So you can try to gain weight really slowly but I hoestly dont think that this is a good choice and I am not even convinced that it is possible. As while you are too scared to eat proper recovery amounts you are actively still listening to your anorexia and therefore giving it strength and power. It is only when you start fighting your anorexia at ever chance you get that recovery really becomes possible.


  1. Thanks Karly, need to hear this right now. I guess I'm worried I'll keep gaining. Know that's not true. It's just a fear and I need to get over that. Enjoy your week x

    1. Your welcome Sonya. Once you reach a healthy weight you will most likely decrease your intake again (but not to restrictive amounts) and so you will just be eating a healthy and normal amount :) The only way you will continue to gain weight while eating like this is if you recover on low amounts of food as your metabolism wont repair. I highly reccommend eating proper recovey amounts if you want to be able to eat like a normal person in the future without gaining weight as otherwise your metabolism may not repair. XXX Sending my love <3

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