Monday 21 September 2015

Thoughts on recovering from anorexia

Something that actually annoys me a little is when people talk as if they know exactly how you are feeling or understand exacty what you are going through, as they have no way of actually knowing those things. Even if someone has had the same illness as you, this does not mean that they have necessarily felt exactly what you have felt or experienced exactly what you have experienced.

Because everyones illnesses are slightly different, their recoveries will also be different too. Even though I have had anorexia, I would never say that I know exactly what any others who are suffering from anorexia are going through. Therefore when I share my own experiences of recovery and any advice, please always remember that it will not necessarily be the best thing for you and your recovery.

Even though I will never understand exactly what you may be going through, I do promise to always listen to you and help you as much as I possibly can anyway. Even if that just means just being a person to listen to your thoughts and for you to spill your troubles too. Afterall no matter who you are or what you may be going through, everybody needs somebody to be there for them.

Also, while I may not know exactly what you are going through, something I do truly believe with all my heart is that everybody CAN recover from their eating disorders if they believe it is possible and if they believe in themselves. In my opinion, no one is ever so sick that it is impossible for them to get better. So even though the way that everyone gets better may be different, the end product of being fully recovered is potentionally the same for everyone.

Reading back over this post, I know that it isn't really structured all that well but I just wanted to let yo uall know that I even though I don't know exactly what you are going through, I still want to help you to get better. And even though my experiences of anorexia may not be exactly the same as yours, I hope that you can stilll get something out of atleast some of what I write. Please never feel as though you are in this alone because you aren't. We are all in this together!

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