Sunday 13 September 2015

My weekend so far

Yesterday was a good day. I watched my brother play football which he won and my cousin also won her netball grandfinal. Watching so much sport made me want to join a sports team or start playing some more sport too as it seems llike forever since I have done anything liike that. nfortunately there are not very many opportunities for girls to play sport on the east coast of Tasmania however and it is too hard for me to travel to one of the cities because of my work.

I spent the whole day with my cousin and her family and and it was really nice. I had a huge breakfast before I left as I didn't know when I would get another chance to eat. My breakfast consisted of 3 weetbix prepared with milk and 2 slices of toast topped with a mashed banana and I really enjoyed it. Throuughout the morning I only ate an apple but also snaced on jelly beans as my cousin had a HUGE bag full of them.

For lunch I got a chicken burger from KFC as well as a bowl o fruit salad from another take away shop at the food mall. Then on the way home I got an icecream with everybody else wich Iquite enjoyed even though I had no appetite at all. By the time Igot home I wwas feeling really sick and tired and had a huge headache. I am nott 100% sure what was wrong with me but I just felt really unwell and the last thing I felt like doing was eating.

I cooked myself some rice and vegetables which I made myself eat and then I also had a yoghurt after tea for dessert. I tried to watch some tv but eventually I realised that the only thing that would make me feel better was going to bed. I wanted to write a post to let you all know how my hday had been but Ihonestly didn't feel well enough to which is why I am writing it thismorning instead.

Fortunately I have woken up this morning feeling better however I still have no appetite which is strange. Usually I am hungry for all of my meals but the thought of food at the moment actually makes me feel quite sick. Hopefully this feeling passes soon as I hate having to force lots of food into myself whe I have no appetite at all.

I am so happy that I have the day off today! I am going to take Tess for a nice walk as Ionly got to take her for one small one yesterday and hopefully I will just be able to relax too. I honestly think I need some time to just rest and relax today as I still dont really feel like myself. I bought the fifth season of Pretty Little Liars when I was in Hobart yesterday so I have a feeling that quite a few episodes of that may be watched.

I hope that everyone is having a fantastic weekend :D  

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