Tuesday 8 September 2015

What I love about spring

I am so glad that it is finally spring as it has already started to warm up a little bit. I have always loved spring so much, probably because I have always lived on a farm and in my opinion spring is the best time to be living on a farm. I love having lots of baby farm animals around as well as baby wild life too. We have lots of lambs at home at the moment however unfortnatlly I havent had a chance to go and check on them with my dad like I usually do. We also have some wild deer living on our farm at the moment which will have baby fawns soon so they will be a beautiful sight for sure.

A few pictures from last springg

Looking after lambing ewes really is a full time job as it is quite common for lambs to get stuck and for the ewes to be unable to deliver their lambs naturally. So when that happens we have to go and pull the lambs out. Sometimes the ewes die so we have to look after the lambs ourselves and other times the ewes are incredibely weak so we have to take them back to a shed wheer we can nurse them back to health. We have always loved botttle rareing lambs and also calves and feel as though it was a good thing to do as a child as it taught me a great deal of responsibility.

Amy with a coule of our baby lambs over the years

It is quite warm each morning when I walk Tess however by lunch time it is always back to being cold and windy. I love getting out in the fresh air to walk Tess of a morning and I feel as though it makes me feel incredibely energized for the rest of the day. And of course Tess really enjoys it too! Tess is such a good girl when we go out walking that I don't even have to walk her on a lead. She just trots along 5 or 10 metres in front of me the whole way. All I have to do is ask her to wait and she does. Considering I never actually traied her to do this, I am so lucky that she is so well bahaved.

While I love spring, I prefer the teperature in Summer. I am really hopeful that we have a good summer this year with lots of hot weather. After the expecally cold winnter we have had, I think we deserve a nice and hot Summer! What is your favourite season? What is the weather like in your part of the world at the moment?


  1. Aww, what gorgeous photos! I get so happy seeing all the little lambs in their paddocks at this time of year. I'd love to work on a farm at some point in my life, just for the experience of it.

    I think we definitely deserve a hot summer! I'll take heat over this winter any day.


    1. Yes farm life is very special and definitely something worth experiencing. :D
      If you don't mind me asking which state of Australia do you live in? I hope it warms up for you soon XX

    2. Not at all - I'm in Geelong, in Victoria :)

