Tuesday 4 August 2015

Day 28: Most embarrassing moment

This should be an easy Question for me to answer as whenever I do something embarrassing, I worry about it for a long time afterwards due to my anxiety. So I remember lots of times throughout my life when I have been embarrased although I do not really remember a huge emmabarrassing moment that I have had.

I get embarrassed when I have bad skin as I get eally self conscious. I also get embarrased if I ever fall over in public. My most embarrassing moment from primary school was when Iwas running into the school canteen and tripped on the step, falling straight on my face in front of all of the high schoolers. To make it worse I had a bassket in my hand that I was returning to the canteen and as I fell it flew accross the floor in front of me. Iwas mortified and remember laying in bed every night for some time worrying about it.  

I also have been very embarrassed at times throughout my life when my mum has had way to much to drink and she has done embarrassing things like fall over, say nasty things to people, be unable to walk, fall asleep or vomit. Even though it was not me doing the embarrassing things, I still found it really embarrassing as sshe was my mum. Especially when my mum did this in front of my friends. I also rememer her acting like this in front of my school teachers when we went to a gathering which was humiliating.

Another  time when I remember being particularly embarrased was when I was in year 11 and my teacher asked me to read some of a book in my English class. I wasn't really worried about reading before I did it but as soon as I started to read I began to have a panic attack. I couldn't breathe and therefore cold barely get the words out. The room was completely quiet and all eyes and ears were on me. My heart was beating incredibely loudly in my ears and I just wanted so much for it to be over. Everyonee noticed how much I was freaking out and I was so embarrrased.

I know that if I ever do anything embrrassing, I jusst need dto remind myself that everyone does embarrassing thing sometimes and that Ijust need to ove on with things and forget about it. Afterall the people who saw your embarrassing moment will most likely quickly forget it and worrying about it will not make it go away. Unfortunately it is not possibble to change the past and we just need to remember that everyday is a new day.

Do you have an embarrassing moment that stands out to you?

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