Monday 3 August 2015

Living in a small town

I have lived in both Launceston and Hobart at times throughout my life for school and university but I have never felt at home in those places. I really feel as though Swansea, the little country town that I grew up in, will always be my home no matter where I end up.

I absolutely love living in a small counttry town. I love walking up the street and greeting all of the locals as you walk past them. I even love being able to wave to everyone as they drive past. It is just such a wecoming and comfortble atmosphere to be in.

I love the fact that I have so many cousins and relatives in the town and when I work in the supermarket, I know everyone by name. I love being able to go for walks with Tess in the dark when I finish work late, without feeling scared or worried and I simply feel safe.

I thought that I would sometimes feel a little spooked or frightened when I moved out on my own, but this hasn't been the case at all. I live in a street with many kind people who all keep an eye and ear out for me.

I love heading into the supermarket and staying for 20 minutes or so, just to chat to the staff that are working there. I love joking with the customers and having a conversation with them, not because I feel I have to but because I actually am interested in how they are going.

Just the other day I was walking my dog snd met up with one of the other men who live on my street who was walking his dog. This man is quite old but always really friendsly and lovely. He gave me his phone number so that I can call him if anything ever happens and I need someone, even at night. 

He said Anything could happen to a young girl like you living on your own. If anything ever does happen, just lock yourself in your bathroom and call me, I would be there in a moment.' I really don't think that I will ever need to take him up on his offer but I still think it was so lovely for him to think of me and be looking out for me anyway.

I love knowing the name of every street and always knowing exactly where I am. I love going to the local primary school to pick up my little sister and having all of the small children know me by name as well as their parents and teachers.  

No, we may not have a cinema or a shopping mall or anything like that but we do have what is most important. We have community. And I love living in our small country town.


  1. That is so wonderful. I think community spirit is dying out, so it's lovely that you can experience such kindness! Xox

    1. I agree that community spirit seems to be dying out. I am so glad to be a part of the community I am. What about The community where you live? X

    2. There is no community spirit really. Not like where you live. If neighbours see each other, we'll say hello and that's about it to be honest. X
