Friday 24 July 2015

Accepting your body at a normal weight

I have never been able to accept my body at a normal healthy weight and when I lost weight and got sick, I only became more convinced that I would never be able to be happy and accept my body the way it is naturally supposed to be. Now however, I can honestly say that I am starting to accept my body for the first time in my life. Of course I still have self conscious feeling and thoughts about my body sometimes, but most of the time, I am relatively happy with my body the way it now is.

I wanted to share this with you all so that you dont give up on ever being able to accept your body as I am living proof that it is possible. I hated my body when I was the weight I now am before I ever even got anorexia but now I just apreciate my body for what it is. I dont know if it is because I worked so hard to gain the weight or if it is due to all the positive self talk I have been using but somehow my self esteem in regards to my body has really been transformed. 

I know that I am not naturally supposed to look extremely lean. I will always have curves and a little thin waist. My legs are naturally muscular and I may not always be able to fit into size 6 jeans. Now however, for the first time in my  life I am ok with all of these things. After battling through everything I have been through over the last few years, I have now realised what is truly important in life and being super skinny is definetely not one of those things.

What matters is my happines and I can honestly say that I am happier at the moment then I have been for as long as I can remember. So I suppose being a slightly biggger size then I was once comfortable with really does seem like a tiny sacrifice if it enables me to be truly happy. After being so skinny and bony, I actually like the fact that my hips no longer stick right out. I also dont mind the fact that my figure is becoming more womenly again. 

I used to look at really skinny girls and envy them and feel so jealous of them but now I just feel bad for them as I know hat they may be suffering with. I hate to think of anyone going through the pain and misery that an eating disorder brings to a person. Please keep working on accepting your body at a healthy weight. I promise you it is possible and it feels truly amazing to be able to be happy with yourself, the way you are naturally supposed to be. 


  1. This means a lot to me right now. I started to actually gain weight and it's a truly big challenge not to relapse becouse of the changes of my body.
    But reading this post about your self acceptance... You are right: you are a living proof of that recovery is possible. :)

    1. Hi there. It is so good to hear from you! I am really glad that this post could be of some help to you and I hope that you do start to accept your body a little more. I know how hard it seems but you really are capable of anything at all, you just have to start believing in yourself!

      I also want to thank you for your continuing support. You were one of my first readers ad the fact that you are still reading my blog now really does mean a lot. I hope that you are doing ok.
      Love Karly xx

    2. Oh my~~ You are so kind!
      Of course I'm still reading your super inspirational and helpful blog! :) You fought so much for your health and happiness... your war is the source of my motivation in my recovery. I want to be just as strong as you!
      Actually I wrote an e-mail to you back then, but I guess you didn't get it :(

    3. Oh no, I definetely didnt get it. :( You can email me anytime at
      <3 xx Stay strong gorgeous!

  2. The words of Louise L. Hay are great and a new way of thinking. It's so hard not to listen to the voice of anorexia, it is an everyday challenge and the more you fight the louder the voice in my head. Thanks for your motivation and inspiration. Love to you, Mary

    1. I really liked that quote too Marie. I know that the voice gets louder the more you fight but you need to keep fighting anyway. If you do it will eventually dissappear all together. Stay strong gorgeous <3 xx
