Monday 6 July 2015

Anorexia kills

I don't want to upset anyone by saying this but I think it is important that everyone out there who is suffering from anorexia is reminded that if they don't fight, eventually they will die. I know that this seems incredibely harsh but sadly it is true. Anorexia is thought to have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses and for very good reason. It is incredibely hard to fight and the effects of anorexia are deadly. Your anorexia really wont be satisfied until you are dead. Please dont spend your life trying so hard to please something that is trying to kill you.

It is so easy to think, 'I won't die, because I am not sick enough to die' but this is not true. This is just what your anorexia tells you so you continue to give in to it's demands. Also, The way you see your body really is not the way it truly looks. You may not think you are skinny enough to die, but you need to understand that this is not necessarily true. Due to body dismorphia, you really can't trust the way you see your body whilst you are suffering from anorexia.

When I was at my thinnest, I did not see the seriousness of my anorexia and did not for a moment think that I was putting my life at risk through starving myself. It wasn't until I was laying in bed one night and took my pulse to find that my heart was only beating 30 times per minute that I realised I was at risk of actually dying. I went to sleep that night absolutely terrified that Iwouldn't wake up and it is only since then that I have actually slowly made progress and gotten to the stage I am now at.
If I had not come to that realisation, I would probably be dead right now as I never would have started to fight my anorexia. So the message I am trying to get out through this post is that Anorexia does kill and if you continue to give into your anorexia, you really are risking your life. So even though making progress in your recovery is extremely difficult, you really must chose to do it anyway as if you dont, eventually you will just become another statistic. Another person who has lost their life to this awful illness.

Again, I am so sorry that this post has been so 'harsh' and I hope that I have not upset anyone, I jut want everyone out there to realise the seriousness of this illness, so that they try and fight it, before it's too late. No one else can fight your anorexia for you, it is up to you to save your own life. I know that everyone is capable of doing it, you just have to believe in yourself.

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