Monday 20 July 2015

Back to work

It feels strange to be getting up this morning to go to work after working all weekend. I would love a rest day right about now but not really because I feel as though I am exhausted and need it because I feel fantastic, more because there are things I need/want to do but cant as I am working all day everyday.

I had a huge nights sleep last night as I fell asleep at about 8:15 while watching masterchef (which I am not happy about as i really enjoy that show and it is the final week of the show) and slept until 6:00 this morning, which is almost 10 hours! So I guess this is why I am feeling so energized and refreshed this morning.

I need to clean my house so badly but just havent had the time. If I have time I will try and vacuum my whole house before work today and put away all my washing that I managed to get done over the weekend. I also really want to continue watching my Pretty Little Liars dvds as I am completely hooked on them but just havent been able to actually sit down and watch them. I also wish that I could take Tess for some nice long walks but I guess that will just have to wait until my next days off.

I know that everyone probably finds these types of posts super boring but I do feel as though I need to share what I do in My everyday life, even though all that seems to be at the moment is work. Hopefully my life gets more interesting soon so that then I will be able to share some more interesting news with you all.

I have some better posts planned for today (now I just have to find the time to put the together). I am going to do a post about where I am currently at in my recovery as well as a food diary picture post as I haven't done one of those for a while.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day. Does anyone have anything interesting planned? X


  1. I don't find these posts boring at all! I love hearing about your days! xxx

  2. These posts really aren't boring! Don't worry about that! It's really interesting to hear what you get up to in your day to day life! It's all part of you and we love you so it's all good!!! Hope you have a good day at work! Xx

    1. Thank you so much Annie. I cant believe how lucky I am to have you and all of my other spportive readers. <3 xx

    2. I think we as readers are the lucky ones to have you as our inspiration! Xx
