Sunday 19 July 2015

Realising what really matters

Growing up, I worried way too much about what other people thought of me and used the way I looked to determine my self worth. I felt so terrible about myself before I got anorexia and hated myself, only because I was not super skinny. I can now see that the way I felt was completely wrong as there are so many other things that are so much more important in determining your self worth.

I remember when I was about 10 years old, I actually asked my dad if he would still love me if I was fat. My dad of course told me that he would still love me and that it was silly of me to ask such a thing but I still didn't believe him. I honesty felt like I would be unlovable if I was not skinny. I think it is so sad that I had these beliefs and to this day I will never truly understand why I placed so much importance in the way that I looked.

I spent so many years of my life hating who I was a trying to change myself all because I wasn't as skinny as I would have liked. It did not matter that I was smart, kind, caring and understanding, I still hated myself as I wasn't skinny enough. Isuppose that this is because I was a perfectionist and felt as though I needed to be perfect. It is really strange that I felt this way and most of my childhood memories are actually about comments different people made about my weight.

I do not remember any of the nice things people ever said too me, I just remember when people commented on my appearance in ways that I didn't like. For example, I remember a boy telling me my bum was big in year 6 and I also remember my uncle telling me my legs were getting 'fatter'. I suppose that the reasons these types of comments stuck in my head more clearly than any others is because I did care way too much about how others saw me and my body.

Now I have learnt that the way I look or how much I weigh is not what should determine how I feel about myself, I am starting to accept myself for who I am and I no longer hate myself like I once did. I am also starting to realise that if people judge me on my appearance, then I dont really want to associate with them anyway. I know that the typesof people who I want to have in my life will not judgr me in this way and that I therefore should not care what others think.

I still get the same thoughts sometimes, however whenever I do I just quickly remind myself that the way I look is not what truly matters and neither is what others think. It is hard to tell myself this sometimes and I do find myself still worrying about what other people think of me but I will continue working on this so that I can accet myself for who I really am and so that I can stay happy and healthy.


  1. Exactly Karly! This whole post is true, and you need to realise and believe people when they tell you that you are kind, giving, caring, helpful, thoughtful, wonderful and beautiful. Also that your weight or shape or body does not define you or your worth, you are so much more than that! Love Laura xxxx

    1. Wow, Thankyou so much Laura. I dont know what I would do without you and all of your beautiful support. <3 xx
