Monday 13 July 2015

Feeling like a normal girl

Today has been a really good day. I have felt almost normal today and have manged to forget that I am in fact recovering from an eating disorder which I think is fantastic! Sometimes, it is just so nice to be ale to compltely forget about your worries and to just feel like a normal 20 year old girl. I suppose that this just shows how much I have improved since the time when my my anorexia was controlling most of my thoughts. Now I can go a whole day with only an occasional anorexic thought or feeling. Realising how far I have come gives me hope that I can make the progress I need to make in the future in order to recover.

I took Tess for a walk this morning to the beach and although it had been quite windy it was not as cold as it has been over the past few weeks which is good. I am hoping that this slightly warmer weather is a sign that the coldest part of winter has now passed. I really enjoyed my morning prior to going to work. I replied to some emails, wrote some blog posts and watched some 'Harte of Dixie'. Something else I was happy about was that I reached 20 000 pageviews. I know that this may not seem like many pageviews  to some people who blog however I am delighted to know that I have had this many pageviews and this makes me want to thank everyone who reads my blog.

As soon as I got to work at 9:30 I had an assesment for my traineeship that went really well. My accessor was really happy with how organised and prepared I was and said that my work was of a very high stadard which was great to hear and gave me the confidence boost I needed. Since my coworker has not been very nice to me over the last few weeks I was starting to doubt myself and feel as though I was not good enough but after my assesment I felt great! I started believing that I am good enough again and I think that this was reflected in my work performance today.

I got lots of work done and am going to try my hardest not to let the way my co-worker treats me in the future determine the confidence I have in myself and my abilities. After work I took Tess for a quick walk to the shop where I caught up with my mum. When I got home I cooked myself rice and veetables for tea and then had a shower and wached masterchef while I ate my dessert. I hope that everyone has a fantastic day/night. <3 x  I am struggling to keep my eyes open at the moment so will most likely have an early night again.


  1. That's great that your feeling so good, Congratulations on 20,000 pageviews that's amazing you deserve it! xx

  2. I'm so happy for you that you're feeling 'normal' today! That's great progress that you've made! Congratulations too on the 20,000 page views, that's another milestone for you! And congratulations again on getting good feedback from your assessor, that's a well-deserved confidence boost that you earned and needed and I hope it gives you strength to keep going the way you are in work and ignore the person who is mean to you. Xx

    1. Thanks so much Annie. Everything seems so positive at the moment I really hope it stays this way! Xx

  3. Congratulations Karly! It just shows how many people think what you have to say is worth reading and that you could be helping and inspiring so many people! Also, it just shows that your co-worker is completely out of order and that you are good at what you do, so well done and have confidence in yourself! It's great that you had a good day too and are starting to feel more 'normal', I too have days like this and it feels fantastic and really does show you how far you have come and how strong you are. Keep going lovely. Love Laura xxxxxx

    1. Thanks Laura. I know, it does feel fantastic doesnt it? I had almost forgotten what feeling like a normal girl is like and it makes me even more determined to keep fighting for full recovery. <3 xx
