Sunday 5 July 2015

Making recovery choices

As I said in my post this morning, I am starting to feel self conscious at times because of my weight gain and I have felt as though I need to start eating less. Today I decided, with the help of some of my readers, that it is probably not a good idea for me to cut my intake back yet as I know that I still have not reached my natural set point weight and my bmi is only just within the 'healthy range'. Instead I have decided to stop restricting my exercise and to just try and have a normal relationship with exercise.

I am hoping that if I no longer restrict my exercise, I will start to rebuild some of the muscle I lost because of my anorexia and this will get me closer to reaching my set point weight. I will most likely continue to gain some weight from what I am eating regardless of the fact that I will be exercising more sometimes because I am still eating the same large recovery amount. Somedays I still wont get a chance to exercise more then I currrently am anyway as I simply dont have the time but this just means that I can go for runs or longer walks sometimes, if I ever feel like it.

Since exercise is still a bit of an issue for me, I realise that I still need to have some exercise free days and other days when I dont exercise as much because I do not want to get addicted to exercise or feel as though exercise is a way for me to compensate for eating. I only want to exercise because it makes me happy and becaus I want to be fit and healthy. If I ever feel as though I am exercising for the wrong reasons, I will try my hardest to stop myself from exercising as I do not want to give into my anorexia. I want to fight it, every chance I get.

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know what I had decided to do. Thanks to everyone who helped me to make this decision. I really value the opinions of all of my readers and you all give me the strength I need to keep fighting every single day. There have been various occasions throughout my recovery so far that I know I would have given into my anorexia if I didnt have my blog and all of the beautiful people who read my blog belieing in me. So thanks again everyone <3 xx


  1. I'm so glad that this is the choice that you have made Karly, and it sounds like a really healthy idea to me! I know it's horrible, but try to 'let go' of a number and controlling your body, and start letting it work itself out and recover itself. Love Laura xxxx

    1. Thanks so much Laura. You are so right. I think that it is time that I stop focusing on a magic number on the scale I need to reach and just start focusing on being truly happy and healthy! :) xx
